Mark became a Member of The Aetherius Society in 1998 and started working full-time for this unique spiritual organisation in 2004. Founded in 1955 by Dr. George King, the Society promotes a variety of New Age ideas, including the following:
Spiritual development
God and religion
Higher realms
Life on other planets
For more information on these fascinating topics, you are recommended to visit: www.aetherius.org.
For information on workshops and lectures in London relating to these subjects, please visit: aetherius.org/locations/london.
For information on workshops and lectures outside of London relating to these subjects, please contact us via email.
- Service to others is the greatest spiritual practice anyone can perform.
Spiritual development
- It is possible for all of us to develop our intuition and innate psychic ability through service and spiritual self-development techniques.
- Yoga breathing, chanting of mantra and other spiritual practices are potent ways of helping us to realise our inner potential.
- We can learn and practise spiritual healing which uses the energy sometimes referred to as prana, ki, qi, or ch’i.
- It is possible to help heal the world as a whole by using positive visualisation, mantra and dynamic prayer.
God and religion
- The true essence of everything is Divine.
- All the great religions are paths to God – whatever “It” be called: Brahma, Jehovah, the Way, Heaven, Spirit etc.
- The Mother Earth is a living Goddess to whom we are profoundly indebted.
Higher realms
- After death we spend a period of time on another realm of this Earth, after which we reincarnate onto this plane. This process goes on for life after life until we master all the lessons that life on Earth has to offer us.
- It is possible to communicate psychically with people on these realms, and even with beings on other planets.
Life on other planets
- Some UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft.
- Advanced beings from other worlds in this Solar System and beyond are currently helping our world to advance spiritually, and we can actively cooperate with these intelligences in this work.
For more information on these fascinating topics, you are recommended to visit: www.aetherius.org.
For information on workshops and lectures in London relating to these subjects, please visit: aetherius.org/locations/london.
For information on workshops and lectures outside of London relating to these subjects, please contact us via email.
Recommended Titles
You are also strongly recommended to read the following excellent books which are among Mark's favourite titles:
Contacts With The Gods From Space
By Dr. George King with Richard Lawrence
![]() #1 Best Seller on Amazon (in its category)
This fascinating book explains the seemingly unexplainable, introducing an array of mind-blowing spiritual revelations on subjects including: life beyond Earth, UFOs, mediumship, the dangers of nuclear power, religion, karma, reincarnation, Atlantis, Lemuria, Maldek, Cosmic Missions, Ascended Masters, life after death, spiritual energy, holy mountains, spiritual ecology, prophecy and even the future of life on Earth! Recommended as an ideal introduction to the cosmic teachings of The Aetherius Society. Softback; 173 pages. Available online for £9.99 plus P&P. Also available as an eBook from Amazon, iTunes, Google Play and Kobo Books. |
“Exceptionally well written, organized and presented…should be considered a “must read” for all UFO enthusiasts and students of Metaphysical Studies.” “Fascinating…this informative and well written book…is a must buy for all enthusiasts” |
Realize Your Inner Potential – Through the Path of Spiritual Service – King Yoga
By Dr. George King and Richard Lawrence – Third edition

This is one of the finest books on spiritual development available in the world today. Containing seven key initiations, you will be introduced to more than 40 carefully-devised practices which will enhance spiritual awareness and psychic ability, and make you a better channel for healing power. Drawing on the ancient yogas and western mysticism, many of the techniques in this book date back thousands of years, but they have been put together and explained in such a way as to be simple to use and entirely practical for modern living.
Softback; 257 pages. Available online for £9.99 plus P&P.
Also available from £7.68 as an eBook from Amazon, iTunes, Google Play and Kobo Books.
This book is also available as part of a special offer with the DVD.
Softback; 257 pages. Available online for £9.99 plus P&P.
Also available from £7.68 as an eBook from Amazon, iTunes, Google Play and Kobo Books.
This book is also available as part of a special offer with the DVD.
The Nine Freedoms – An authoritative metaphysical treatise on the progress through Ascension to Cosmic Existence
By Dr. George King

This remarkable book reveals the secrets of mastering the wheel of rebirth on Earth – leading to Ascension and even beyond. The mysteries of life after death, higher states of consciousness, kundalini, chakras, karma, cosmic initiations, Atlantis, Lemuria, Maldek and life on other planets – are explained simply and concisely. The book consists of nine sacred texts given by a cosmic intelligence known as Mars Sector 6 through the mediumship of Dr. George King, and also contains detailed commentaries by Dr. King.
For more information visit The Nine Freedoms website.
Hardback; 200 pages. Available online for £19.99 plus P&P.
Also available from £5.99 as an eBook from Amazon, iTunes, Google Play and Kobo Books.
For more information visit The Nine Freedoms website.
Hardback; 200 pages. Available online for £19.99 plus P&P.
Also available from £5.99 as an eBook from Amazon, iTunes, Google Play and Kobo Books.
The Twelve Blessings – The cosmic concept as given by The Master Jesus, delivered through Dr. George King

This beautifully-presented gold-colored hardback contains twelve inspirational blessings given by the Cosmic Master we knew as Jesus, through the mediumship of Dr. George King. Each blessing focuses either on spiritual workers, such as “they who work for peace”, or great Divine beings, like the Mother Earth. As well as being filled with revelations about the wondrous cosmos in which we live, The Twelve Blessings is also a spiritual practice in itself. Taking as little as ten minutes a day, experiencing the magic of the blessings will make you a better channel for spiritual energy and even improve your karma. But most importantly of all this sacred practice will help send light, healing and inspiration out into the ethers of our troubled world.
For more information visit The Twelve Blessings website.
Hardback; 63 pages. Available online for £14.99.
Also available as an eBook from Amazon, iTunes, Google Play and Kobo Books.
For more information visit The Twelve Blessings website.
Hardback; 63 pages. Available online for £14.99.
Also available as an eBook from Amazon, iTunes, Google Play and Kobo Books.