Mark is the co-author of two books, both of which he wrote with international bestselling author Richard Lawrence, namely Prayer Energy (Cico, 2009) and Gods, Guides and Guardian Angels (O Books, 2007), which has been voted “best book on spirituality 2007” by readers of Kindred Spirit magazine.
Prayer Energy has been translated into French as La Force de la Prière, and into Japanese as 祈りの力を活かす. Gods, Guides and Guardian Angels has also been translated into Russian as Боги, проводники и ангелы-хранители. For other recommended titles, please see the spirituality section. Mark is also the author of FROM WAR TO PEACE: an epic fantasy novel. Prayer Energy — How to channel the power of the universeby Richard Lawrence with Mark Bennett
![]() “Thoughts are things” – everything we think affects the world around us, as well as our own lives. Through prayer, we can help transform states of mind and ways of living.
Exploring a wealth of traditions, and outlining a simple but extremely effective prayer technique, Prayer Energy reveals the profound connection between positive thought and powerful change. From praying for the recovery of a loved one, to a prayer for peace on the planet, the act of prayer can be a potent force of transformation – regardless of your religious beliefs. It doesn’t matter what you call the Divine Source, be it God, Brahma, Jehovah, Great White Spirit, the Way, Heaven or anything else. Included are over 30 inspiring, uplifting prayers from the world’s many cultures and faiths. Arranged in themed chapters, there are prayers for peace, travel, compassion, healing, guidance, wisdom and many more. Some of these prayers may be new to you; but all will help inspire positive change. How to purchase this book
This beautifully-illustrated full-colour hardback is available online for £7.99 + P&P. Every order of this title from the online shop above includes a free copy of Dr. George King’s A Book of Sacred Prayers (normally £3.99). Gods, Guides and Guardian Angelsby Richard Lawrence with Mark Bennett
![]() Life. Death. What it means to be human.
Be amazed and inspired by answers to some of the biggest questions you could ever ask...
This remarkable book explains, with captivating frankness and authority, what communicating with the departed is really like — and how the message of those beyond this plane of existence is relevant to every single one of us. The amazing accounts of a kaleidoscopic array of psychic experiences, from channelling poetry to performing exorcisms, are sure to fascinate any seeker who wants to know more about the little-understood adventures which await us all in our journey through spiritual evolution. How to purchase this book
Gods, Guides and Guardian Angels is available online for £9.99 + P&P. FROM WAR TO PEACE: an epic fantasy novelby Mark Bennett
![]() Embark on a journey unlike any other in Mark Bennett's spellbinding fantasy epic – From War to Peace. This gripping supernatural tale is the odyssey of three unlikely companions thrust by the invisible yet inescapable hands of destiny to six enigmatic lands – previously thought merely to be the stuff of myth and mysticism – yet now proving themselves to be consciousness-stirringly real.
When a fanatical religious uprising shatters their homeland, the obese narcissistic queen’s two sons – bitter foes since childhood – are forced to confront their enmity and together flee the only world they have ever known. The older – Kazash – melancholic and introspective, walking with a limp, finds solace in intellect and faith, while self-piteously drowning his sorrows. The younger – Hazari – the very embodiment of hyper-masculinity – athletic and battle-scarred – as skilled as a warrior as he is savage as a killer – thinks only of power and pleasure, sociopathically priding himself on his reputation as a deadly threat to anyone who dares to stand in his way. Joined by a mild-mannered servant-boy, who is in fact a clandestine wielder of magical forces, their otherworldly adventures take them to a land obsessed with physical beauty – but this is just the beginning – each new land proving more mysterious, more revelatory and more soul-shifting than the last. A kaleidoscopic array of bedazzlingly bizarre characters accompany their worldly trials and spiritual triumphs – including a talking cat with his own inscrutable agenda and a doctor with a bloodcurdlingly dark past. But perhaps more than any outer threat, the greatest challenge of all for the unwitting trio is to confront the self-torturous darkness lurking within their own souls… La Force de la Prière (Prayer Energy in French)Richard Lawrence avec Mark Bennett
![]() Nos pensées affectent autant le monde qui nous entoure que nos vies personnelles. Grâce à la prière, il est possible d’influencer notre état d’esprit, notre manière de vivre et, ultimement, l’état du monde.
Entre pensée positive et énergie spirituelle, cet ouvrage explore en détail la manière de prier pour la paix dans le monde, de rendre grâces pour ce que nous avons reçu, ou encore de requérir une aide angélique pour la guérison d’un être cher. Son propos est simple: la prière fonctionne, que votre foi repose en Dieu, en l’Univers ou en la Terre Mère... Puisées dans différentes traditions spirituelles et religieuses, trente prières parmi les plus inspirantes et les plus poétiques expriment l’amour, la gratitude, la compassion, la dévotion... Elles illustrent chacun des points-clés de la pratique de la prière. 祈りの力を活かす (Prayer Energy in Japanese)リチャード・ローレンス、マーク・ベネット(著), 石原まどか (翻訳)
![]() “世界の宗教がひとつになるとき、我々が失うものは何もありません。失うものはただ教義のみ” 創造主をどう呼ぼうとかまいません:神よ、主よ、仏よ、アラー、エホバ、ザ・ウエイ、へヴン。
How to purchase this book
This beautifully-presented hardback is available for online order now at £12.99 + P&P. Боги, проводники и ангелы-хранители
Gods, Guides and Guardian Angels voted "best book on spirituality 2007" by readers of Kindred Spirit magazine Prayer... "...You do not have to be religious to enjoy this book as it is less about dogma than it is about what happens when you pray from an attitude of love and openness... a clear and concise argument for what prayer energy is and how one can use it for the benefit of oneself and others. It is beautifully illustrated and there are a number of profound prayers repeated here to inspire you for your own positive prayers. Highly recommended." "...enlightening, thought-provoking and often humorous, touching everyone who has read it. You are left with a sense of hope and a desire to learn more about what our existence (life and death) has to offer." From the publishers... |